You are an asian beauty addict if you can decipher the difference between a single eye lid versus a double one.
Either way, eye lining is a major challenge. I've experience both so I know...no, no, without any surgery. I spent my pre-teen years of my life with a single lid, which was just as well since I didn't know what single-lidded vs double meant anyway. Then gradually, I started to get the extra crease when I was sleepy and rubbed my eyes. Definitely my most awkward years, each morning not knowing which was to emerge and worst when the left and the right failed to agree and decided to go their own ways. (Rather embarrassing until I encountered a product that folds your lids with a safe, gentle, clear glue like formula and keeps it there for the remainder of the day.)

After countless q-tips and sticks of too-hard or too-mushy eye liner, I vouch by the below routine to make Single Lid ladies look glam and open-eyed:
For a day-time look: Use a thick textured, soft Kohl black eye-liner that would glide easily onto skin. Eye pencils usually last longer and glide on more controllably when applied directly onto clean skin rather than over oily moisturizers and powdery shadows. Pull your eye lid gently up and towards the center of the forehead to stretch the area out and draw a thin line starting from the inner corner with a sharpened point until you get to the area right where the whites of your eyes start again closer to the outer eye corner. Then, apply more pencil tip surface to the lid by tipping the eye liner at a closer angle to the face and create a thicker line that gradually goes up and away from the outer corner. To end the line, pretend the last flick of the pencil line is another eye lash, thin with a slight natural curve. This creates a more opened, fuller lashed eye look, especially paired with mascara and eye curler that is still natural yet enhanced looking. I've found that the Rimmel Soft Kohl Eye Liner in JET BLACK has the perfect texture and slight smudgeability to create a stark yet sexy, natural line that if needed, can be reapplied during the day without looking heavy. Plus, it's cheap so I never have to fret about shaving it every morning to get the thin line. Pleeeeease don't try the thick flick line at the edge of the eye - it's only meant for Geisha stories or 60's mod-cat woman outfits - perfect for Halloween, yes. www.RimmelLondon.com
For evening: Use a vampy, blackish but not quite colored eye-liner with a little shimmer or metallic glaze using the same application technique for the upper lid. Slate dark greys, anything with an asphalt sort of name, any midnight blues, dark purples with a metallic sheen or dark khaki's are great for the evening, eye liner as eye shadow look - especially since darker eye shadows are hard to wear. Also apply the same colour but in a lighter tone in the inner corner of the eye on the lower lid to accentuate the slight colour above and wala, you've eye-lined your way enough to pull off a vampy evening look without piling on the darker shadow which will make lids look heavier. I love Nars Eye Liner Pencil in Manon (Violet), Kaliste (teal) and Kitty (turquoise blue that amazingly flatters asian eyes and opens them up by accentuating the dark lashes when applied to the bottom lid). www.Sephora.com

And last tip for single lid girls? Always carry a sharpened eye liner pencil and thin-tip makeup Q-tips for quick touchups! Eye-liners make a huge difference, making you look refreshed and awake.