...so the title is a little ridic, but if you knew how i felt about lip plumpers, or if you don't believe in lip plumpers as much as you don't believe in anti-cellulite creams, you might understand. I was convinced that lip plumpers unfailingly fullfilled
at least one of the three vices:

1. extremely drying - crusty, flakey lips anyone!?
2. lip locked you from eating or drinking anything because it's too cinnamon-y, spicy, or too goopy
3. the coloured lip plumpers look like the color pigment was injected into the plumping formula and failed to mingle well with the original gloss
oh, and add a fourth one...it just doesn't work unless it stung...and yeah, if it worked, sexy cascading hair was definitely off limits, it got stuck on the lips...UNTIL I picked up
Buxom Lips by Bare Escentuals in Bambi.

The plumping lip polish is a smooth, creamy, perfectly mixed blend of luminous & sex kitten subtly glimmery color with no stickiness or tackyness. It actually lasts even longer than regular moisturizing lip balms or glosses and when it does finally dissappear, the lips are left soft and nourished - thanks to the mineral-infused polish with antioxidant vitamins A and E to keep lips protected through the drying winter months. This amazing gloss gets to work with a slight tingly sensation that reminds you to take notice of the way your lips move & look during that V-day dessert - which you can finally enjoy because this doesn't add that spicy after taste!
Try it~ it'll change any anti-lip plumping gloss beliefs!
Ps. LOVE the brighter, pink Bambi color that gets you ready for spring!