Mini-Tip: Use an intense conditioner or treatment the night before so that hair is nourished, moisturized, with the least number of split ends and frizzyness when blowdrying hair. Dab in texturizing light gel only at the roots to keep volume intact. And at your next hair appointment, bangs bangs bangs!!!
MAKEUP: Red stained lips, dewy doll-like eyes and a matte, doll-like pale face. An untouchable yet alluring mix of innocence and sohistication.
Mini-Tip for lips: clear balm -> red liner -> fill in a little in the middle of lip and smudge with finger tip -> subdued red lipstick with moisturizing agents, the more dewy looking, the better -> dab of lipgloss only on the middle of the bottom lip.

Mini-Tip for brows: -> keep it no darker than the hair color so that it doesn't over power the eye and the bangs, brushing it and holding the brows in place with a clear brow mascara is enough for this look. This will keep the face with a natural-beauty purity rather than 1950's vamp.
Mini-Tip for face: -> mattifying translucent powder with a soft pink or soft orange blush underneath it all so the cheeks do not over power the other features on the face. Let the lips take center stage.