As luck would have it, I chose a site name starting with an A, placing my blog review in the April/May 2007 issue of
Audrey mag, as the leading feature on extensive article!

Thank you Anna Park (associate managing editor, of the daring fashion-, helpful beauty- and tips-about-life-packed Asian women's magazine) for giving my site the a-OK from a nationally-read publication. Although it was a good month of trying to lower towering hopes just in case the item gets cut by the art dept* or from the EIC** the end result was way bigger than I could ever have imagined my photo being! (yes my face is plastered on there, so long to keeping my visual identity hush hush)
Thanks Audrey and thanks Anna! And as for my increasing readers, I appreciate any questions or comments or brand/product introductions as I always need inspiration! Just click on Email Me! in the left column.
Audrey is available at select
Barnes & Nobles and other local bookstores or could be purchased online at 
*In a pub, especially a visual one, the last and most dangerous stage for an item surviving the various levels of editorial cuts is the Art Department. Even if the editorial team places stories and images that they think is amazing, quite frequently the color or theme just doesn't fit into the rest of the magazine or the page layout so the visually strict & precise Art editors cut items out or push them to future issues if it fits. But give thanks - it is the art dept that make the pubs look as gorgeous and marketable as they are...don't be bitter about last minute cuts :( it's sad but it happens, A LOT.
**editor in chief