The hottest new remedial ingredient to hit the beauty market to keep skin, butt and target areas firm and lifted?
Shiitake mushrooms!
A native to East Asia, the super yummy mushrooms have been used to rev up the immune system with its stronger-than-prescription antioxidant and healing powers and to slash cholesterol levels against dietary odds in China for over 6,000 years.

No surprise that it took gastric factors to finally bring the delish product to the US market but now, beauty lovers can also relish in the benefits of Shiitake (topically!) to keep you high & tight, just in time for those short spring minis!
Extract of Shiitake, used in new firming & anti-aging products just hitting counters, have the power to stimulate the creation of Collagen fibres in the skin tissue that are essential to maintain elasticity and strength. The extract also limits the activity of enzymes that break down the fibers to keep skin elastic!
Live up to the myth that Asian women age slowly! Keep skin glowing and dimple-, sag-free with these products:

A fresh citrus-y scent, the
Decleor Perfect Sculpt Stretch Mark Restructuring Cream is great paired with their 100% natural, essential oil cocktail, Aromessence Sculpt, that multiply the effects of the cream drastically. Totally safe for pregnant women, too!

Carita Progressif Anti-Age Corps range,
Sculpting Serum is a light cream-gel formula that packs in punch - a hit to the hips, butt, thighs, that is...feels absolutely luxurious. Ooh la la~! (it's a Parisian brand...)

We all know how important SPF is to keep skin radiant and wrinkle-free, toss in some shrooms, and this cream's got it made. With a blend of two asian mushrooms, Shiitake and Mannentake, the
Aveeno Positively Ageless Daily Moisturizer with SPF 30 is an everyday must!